V1.0 Announcement!!

V1.0 is here!!

Hey, i am happy to intruduce completly new PNS, there is so many new things that changes the so much.
I am sorry it was long waiting, its beacuse i didint have much time to creating the game, but its finally here.
V1.0 should release on end of the holiday (still long time sorry), but i am gonna release some trailers.
This new version is not a early access but a full version, it will have bugs but the features i wanted to add are there.
But i got so many ideas there are gonna be added, i dont know when but there gonna be.

I am gonna say all new things in this post, lets begin.

New Lobby UI - One of the small changes

Beacuse there a new things, i must change the lobby UI

From the buttons and texts, you can think what has been added.

Shop/Crate System - 

Yes its here, you can know open crates to get skins and perks
Yes, you heard me right, perks and skins.
You open crates for Coins (In-game money).
You are gettin coins from games, for every game you complete you get 50 coins.

New Inventory System - Perks, Skins, Taunts

Now, perks, as i said, you get perks from crates, and they can change the game a little.
You can equip 2 perks at once, and its on you which one.
To give an example, I take one of the perks, Speed Boost, when is equiped, you are 25% faster than others.
Perk Crate Cost 99 gold!

Now, Skins, i dont what to say about them, you can open them from crates too.
You can have skin on seeker and prop.
Skins dont have rarity (for now), and they are all same rarity.
Skin Crate Cost 199 gold!

Now Taunts, you can have different taunt than other, you dont have to make a sound, but send ball front of you
or play short song.
You get same xp, for all of them
Taunt Crate Cost 149 gold!

Inventory UI is gonna change!!

Now thats all what can i show, i want to have suprises too.
So, play V0.9 with the new map for now, but V1.0 is close.
V1.0 is now in testing, but features like taunts are not yet added!

See ya, and trailer soon!

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